Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Making smarter nutritional decisions starting today: DAY 1

Don't get overwhelmed! It is normal to feel like we have to change SOOOOO many things in regards to our diet so we can lose drastic amounts of weight….for this reason we are constantly telling ourselves “I’ll start tomorrow” or “when I have more time...” Well, there is no better time than the present and guess what? You aren’t going to lose weight immediately…if you keep this mentality you will be disappointed and probably quit after the first week. Like I said start to enjoy the process and you’ll worry less about that silly number on the scale.

Eating Healthy today:
  1. Try planning out your meals: don’t let yourself get to the point where you’re starving…small meals (5 to 6) help you to stay satisfied and you will be less likely to cheat.
  2. Breakfast: make sure you eat PROTEIN!!! Protein and fiber are stables in my breakfast…so instead of going for that bagel or bowl of cereal reach for egg whites and oatmeal or some whole wheat toast with almond butter.
  3. Snack: I like to pack and apple with me or some sort of veggies and ALWAYS bring a water bottle.
  4. Lunch: substance is great…if you are on your lunch break and didn’t have time to pack a lunch or maybe you have a hot lunch date go for a salad and grilled chicken…try and eliminate cheese, croutons and make sure to ask for the dressing on the side. Don’t be mad at yourself for having a piece of bread! Next time cut it in half so you can still enjoy it without having the guilt after (and NO butter).
  5. Snack: I usually workout after I get off work so my afternoon snack is typically something high in protein like a whey smoothie and banana…
    1. Tip: next time you buy bananas, cut 4 or 5 of them into small slices and freeze them (they taste delicious in a smoothie and are a healthy source of carbs.)
  6. Dinner: Go with 4-5oz of either chicken or fish (my favorite is tilapia), mashed sweet potatoes and asparagus! Yummm.
  7. Ok...If you absolutely cannot go without dessert try to cut whatever you have in half or substitute it with some fruit and yogurt.
  8. drink WATER WATER WATER: all day long! We’ve all heard it for a long time but it really helps.

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